Who We Are
We are a group of Democrats and Independents in Stanford, New York, who believe that democracy works best when government is open, transparent, and strategically focused on solving problems and creating opportunities for all our citizens regardless of their political party or affiliation.

Our motto, Community Over Politics, is rooted in our conviction that there is no place for politics and divisiveness in local government. Our goal is to continue to unite all Stanford residents, and to nurture a sense of togetherness, community — and civility. We are dedicated to preserving Stanford’s rural character and beauty, protecting the environment, supporting local businesses, and keeping our neighbors and their families healthy and safe.
In their management of the Town’s budget and finances, our Democratic candidates and elected officials strive to be fiscally honest, responsible, and prudent — and to favor forward-looking programs and policies that are both sustainable and fair.
Please Join Us!
Come to our meetings and events for registered Democrats and meet your neighbors and other interesting folks. Learn more about the issues facing your town and how you can get involved. Also, it’s fun!
The Stanford Democratic Committee also works closely with the Dutchess County Board of Elections and the County Democratic Committee to inform and educate voters about the voting process, and to generate a strong Democratic turnout for local and national elections.
We invite you to follow us on the Stanford Dems Facebook and Instagram pages.

Young and First-Time Voters: Register Now and Make Your Voices Heard!
Second-Home Owners: Make Your Vote Count By Voting in Stanford!
A special note from the Stanford NY Democratic Committee:
Regardless of party affiliation or voting status, we encourage everyone who lives and works in our town to visit the Town of Stanford’s website and Facebook group for volunteering and community activities, to sign up for the Town Supervisor’s newsletter, and to speak out on the issues that matter most to you.